Voice Over & Dubbing

Professional and talented voices to enhance your content

Voice Over


Finding the correct voice for your projects is key to the success of your products and services.


From the creation or the translation of your script to the final recording and post-production of the Voiceover material, our team will guide you along this wonderfully complex and rewarding process, so the final product will sound exactly as you planned during the content development stage.


We encourage all our clients to embark on this journey. We have seen, time and time again, the impact that audiovisual content has on all audiences and how that translates directly into brand loyalty, increased sales, higher customer satisfaction, and the best user experience.



Entertainment, educational or corporate voice services demand an artistic adaptation that faithfully honors the original vision yet succeeds in presenting itself as locally developed and produced. 


In Ark One Studios we provide a one-stop solution that encompasses the whole process: from the translation and editing of the script to the final recording and post-production stages in a state-of-the-art recording studio and post-production facility located in Buenos Aires.


We want your audience to fully enjoy a wonderful viewing, reading or listening experience- To achieve that goal, we have a team of experienced professionals that will create a unique, meticulously produced and accurately executed final product.

Let us find the right voice for you
Video Games - Films - TV Shows - Documentaries - Advertising - E-Learning

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